We did get one large pod out of the plant. Bettie said that if I had harvested it when it was young and small, it would have done well to thicken a good soup. Instead, I let it grow large, and thus inedible. Well we live and we learn. The one pod can be let to dry, and we can preserve the seeds for planting somewhere suitable next season. They apparently grow better from seed than by transplant anyhow.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
I learned today that I made several mistakes when planting and growing the okra. I bought the plant when it was a good 6 inches tall, from Lowes. Here is a resource I should have checked first. It had several vertical stems, and I assumed it was a single plant. In reality, it was several plants, and I should have separated them to a foot apart or thinned to just one before planting. Also, Okra should have a very large tap root (up to 5 feet!). This just isn't possible in our raised bed, because it is about a foot deep, and protected underneath by chicken wire (for the burrowing creatures) and a weed block cloth.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
The recipe I used to cook the eggplant is Eggplant Caponata.
I left out the black pepper and capers, because I don't really care for either one. If you missed the dish this time, don't fret. We will have plenty of eggplant in the future.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Bearing Fruit
Today's garden cleanup was quite successful. Big thanks to Yolanda and John for helping out. We cleared away most of the pallets and pulled errant grass from the beds. We also planted some carrot, beets, and green beans. Storm clouds cut us short of fixing the fence this time.
The compost barrel (the blue one next to the shed) is full and needs to be allowed to finish up. We will still rotate the barrel every few days to mix air into the compost, but please don't add any more material. There will be a new container for us to put kitchen scraps in the meantime.
The eggplant is bearing its first fruit! It looks quite tasty and ready to harvest for this Sunday's shared luncheon. Stir fry sounds pretty good, don't you think?
Sunday, August 14, 2011
What Is Where?
I've received many questions regarding the layout of the garden. What is growing where? How are we watering everything? Well here is our current layout, not showing the various junk that needs to be cleared out (Friday, Aug 19th, 3pm). Click the image to enlarge.

Eggplant, Japanese
Tomato, Heirloom Tiger Stripe
Pepper, Orange
Pepper, Red
Marigold, Orange and Yellow
Flower (I keep forgetting to check the tag!) Pink
Pumpkin, Early Sugar
The pump is not working, because it needs to be primed each time it is used or the motor will burn out. Essentially a one-way valve needs to be installed in the hose, as close as possible to the water source. Since we can put it on a timer, that would be essential. It is an inexpensive part that will require some tools for cutting and resealing. However, my big concern is that I don't know whether the water in the pond/stream is safe to put on our edibles. I've been told that people who live along this water let their kids fish and swim in it. I'm not sure if that means it is safe. I've also heard that we can send a sample to the water utility and they will test it. I just have to get around to that. Meanwhile, it has been raining plenty. If it hasn't rained in a few days we only need two or three pails of water carried from the faucet outside the church. Alternatively, with as much rain as we get, we might set up a rain collection system.
Quick Note
The garden cleanup will be Friday afternoon at 3pm, weather permitting. We need to trim the grass, pull a few weeds, clear out the old pallets, fix the fence, and possibly plant some more seedlings.
I have lots of updates and photos to upload, as the garden is built and growing quite nicely!
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