Sunday, October 23, 2011

What did we plant today?

Actually, that is a really good question. As you know, we are using the Square Foot Gardening technique (loosely). The fire ants colonized the bamboo we were using to partition off the squares, so we tossed those aside for everyone's safety. The beds are still planted in a square foot pattern, and as of now there are no empty squares. I didn't write down what we planted as we went, so from my poor memory... it might go like this:

Green Bean

Bell Pepper

Celery (10/23)




Bell Pepper





Beets (10/23)

Carrots (10/23)

Green Bean

Raised Stone Bed (10/23)

Carrots (10/23)

Beets (10/23)


Kale (10/23)


Green Bean (10/23)

Lettuce (10/23)

Beets (10/23)

Bell Pepper (10/23)

Kale (10/23)

Parsnips (10/23)


Carrots (10/23)

Peas (10/23)

I admit, in the ??? spaces I can't even guess what we planed there. But there is, really, some seed there! There are only two spots labelled Empty/Available in the image above. If you have a hankering to plant something, tell me which of those two you want.

The Thank You Post

Today was the day I've been waiting months for... the compost is finally ready!


Richard, who rolled the heavy compost barrel all the way out to the garden and helped empty it into the second stone bed.

John, who mixed the compost into planting soil, leveled it all out, and put seeds in the ground.

Helen, who provided some tomato plants that will "grow like a tree." We planted them today as well.

Lisa, Stacy, and Max, Dan... everyone who has assisted with various odds and ends and advice.

Everyone else who brought matter for the compost bin. Without your rotting vegetables, our garden would not be possible!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sunday Construction

Big thanks to Richard, John, and Lisa for deciding to move stones today. We managed to move 30 or so more paving stones to expand the garden bed. More of the same next week, and then we can fill it up with soil and plant some more stuff.

I set some more peas into the ground, hopefully these will do alright. We didn't harvest any eggplant today, even though 3 or 4 are growing now. Next week we should have a nice big eggplant dish. I'll go water tonight if it doesn't look like it will rain.

There were bees on the cantaloupe (muskmelon!) flowers today, so maybe things will be okay there after all. Flowers on the bell peppers are pretty little white/cream ones.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Cantaloupe That Wasn't

I'm reading up on Cantaloupe, to see if I can make ours fruit. The first thing I find is this from University of Florida:

"The melon referred to as cantaloupe is actually named muskmelon (Cucumis melo, var. reticulatus). The term cantaloupe is a misnomer that has been used widely in the vegetable industry as a synonym for muskmelon. True cantaloupe (C. melo, var.cantalupensis) is grown in Europe and is a small fruit with a hard, scaly, or warty skin."

This explains why we called it muskmelon when I was a kid. I thought that was just some local Missouri term for the fruit, because everyone I talked to later had no idea what fruit I was talking about. I guess the name muskmelon does not sound very appetizing for folks in the produce isle?

Reading further down, I see that our problem might be not enough pollinators:

"Cucurbits have separate female and male flowers, with the male flowers appearing prior to female flowering. For the female flowers to produce fruit, pollen from the male flower must be transferred to the female flower by insects. Generally, satisfactory pollination occurs when one strong beehive is present for every two acres of muskmelon. Flowers of muskmelon and other cucurbits open just after sunrise and close in the late afternoon or early evening."

So it appears we will have to pollinate both the cantaloupe and tomatoes by hand, unless someone has a beehive handy.


Eggplant, Japanese - The teacher's pet of the garden, producing lots of fruit! Next time, I'll plant it in a corner spot, so it doesn't crowd out the other plants.

Tomato, Heirloom Tiger Stripe - Growing, flowering, but producing no fruit. Why? We may need to help the flowers pollinate.

Red and Orange Peppers - The eggplant is shading them out, and I may pull one of the pepper plants so the other one can grow bigger in that spot. Maybe I can transplant it?

Okra - See this post from last week.

Citronella - The wind from Irene actually damaged both of these, so I pulled it and planted beans there.

Leeks - I'm not really sure if these are doing well, since I've never grown or purchased leeks.

Marigold, Orange and Yellow - The yellow died a few weeks ago, and there are now beans planted there. The orange is scraggly, but I let it grow enough to produces some seeds, so we can grow them next year.

Flower (I keep forgetting to check the tag!) Pink - It died back quite a bit, but when I went to pull it up, I saw it was producing new growth. I decided to transplant it to a pot, and then planted peas in that spot.

Mulberry - Still fruiting slightly, although something is damaging the leaves. The fruits get eaten by birds and such before I manage to pick them. They more commonly fruit in the Spring anyway, so I'm not worried about it.

Banana - 3 leaves now!

Cantaloupe - This has grown very large, and produced many many flowers, but no fruit that I can see yet. It might need more fertilization, which means I may use the worm compost that David H. donated.

Pumpkin, Early Sugar - These are still very small, and I worry that I started them too early or too late. I was hoping for pumpkin pie from our garden in October, and that is clearly not going to happen this year.

Peas - The peas that were started from seedling on my back patio did not take transplant well last Sunday. I'll have to plant them from seed directly in the garden, probably tomorrow.

Green Beans - I transplanted two of these, and one was snapped by Irene's winds, and the other is doing well. Two or three more seeds have been planted from seed into the garden, and are already sprouting.

Ruby Beets and Red Cored Carrots - This is the second attempt at each of these. They didn't like being transplanted, and they take a good couple weeks to sprout. Wait and see.

Sunday, August 28, 2011


I learned today that I made several mistakes when planting and growing the okra. I bought the plant when it was a good 6 inches tall, from Lowes. Here is a resource I should have checked first. It had several vertical stems, and I assumed it was a single plant. In reality, it was several plants, and I should have separated them to a foot apart or thinned to just one before planting. Also, Okra should have a very large tap root (up to 5 feet!). This just isn't possible in our raised bed, because it is about a foot deep, and protected underneath by chicken wire (for the burrowing creatures) and a weed block cloth.

We did get one large pod out of the plant. Bettie said that if I had harvested it when it was young and small, it would have done well to thicken a good soup. Instead, I let it grow large, and thus inedible. Well we live and we learn. The one pod can be let to dry, and we can preserve the seeds for planting somewhere suitable next season. They apparently grow better from seed than by transplant anyhow.


Sunday, August 21, 2011


The recipe I used to cook the eggplant is Eggplant Caponata.

I left out the black pepper and capers, because I don't really care for either one. If you missed the dish this time, don't fret. We will have plenty of eggplant in the future.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Bearing Fruit

Today's garden cleanup was quite successful. Big thanks to Yolanda and John for helping out. We cleared away most of the pallets and pulled errant grass from the beds. We also planted some carrot, beets, and green beans. Storm clouds cut us short of fixing the fence this time.

The compost barrel (the blue one next to the shed) is full and needs to be allowed to finish up. We will still rotate the barrel every few days to mix air into the compost, but please don't add any more material. There will be a new container for us to put kitchen scraps in the meantime.

The eggplant is bearing its first fruit! It looks quite tasty and ready to harvest for this Sunday's shared luncheon. Stir fry sounds pretty good, don't you think?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

What Is Where?

I've received many questions regarding the layout of the garden. What is growing where? How are we watering everything? Well here is our current layout, not showing the various junk that needs to be cleared out (Friday, Aug 19th, 3pm). Click the image to enlarge.

Eggplant, Japanese
Tomato, Heirloom Tiger Stripe
Pepper, Orange
Pepper, Red
Marigold, Orange and Yellow
Flower (I keep forgetting to check the tag!) Pink
Pumpkin, Early Sugar

Garden Bed

Eggplant Starting Fruit

Mulberry FruitsTomato

Cantaloupe VineBanana

The pump is not working, because it needs to be primed each time it is used or the motor will burn out. Essentially a one-way valve needs to be installed in the hose, as close as possible to the water source. Since we can put it on a timer, that would be essential. It is an inexpensive part that will require some tools for cutting and resealing. However, my big concern is that I don't know whether the water in the pond/stream is safe to put on our edibles. I've been told that people who live along this water let their kids fish and swim in it. I'm not sure if that means it is safe. I've also heard that we can send a sample to the water utility and they will test it. I just have to get around to that. Meanwhile, it has been raining plenty. If it hasn't rained in a few days we only need two or three pails of water carried from the faucet outside the church. Alternatively, with as much rain as we get, we might set up a rain collection system.

Quick Note

The garden cleanup will be Friday afternoon at 3pm, weather permitting. We need to trim the grass, pull a few weeds, clear out the old pallets, fix the fence, and possibly plant some more seedlings.

I have lots of updates and photos to upload, as the garden is built and growing quite nicely!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Our Garden Grows!

The weather cooperated again today, and I moved two loads of patio stones. I was sore and tired of dodging mosquitos to get the stones, so then I did some other work in the garden. I will get one more load of stones tomorrow, to give us a final 5-stone deep (about a foot) raised bed. I want it deep enough for carrots, and tall enough for people to sit on it and garden.

Filling the Bed

I went to dig up the compost heap and pile some nutrient-rich awesomeness into the nearly complete bed. Lo and behold, the compost was in use! Some of our stray cantaloupe seeds from the last couple weeks decided to sprout up and take residence. They were clustered in the center of the heap, where all the good stuff is. Well I decided to respect the interdependent web of existence, value the inherent worth and dignity of the melon vines, and envision a future with free cantaloupe every Sunday.

Compost Retrieval

I cleared the covering leaves from the heap and carefully dug up 2 wheelbarrows of pretty good compost from around the plants. Then I transplanted the smaller plants a little further from the center to give them all plenty of room, and put back the covering leaves. I marked a larger area with some bamboo poles and added more leaves to compost for future melon plantings. The entire area is now our Melon Patch! I hope all the gardening will be this effortless.

Besides the cantaloupes, there are a few things that were already growing in the garden.

The mulberry tree.

North of Garden

This sad little banana plant.
Sad Banana

Whatever this and this are. (Someone told me, and I forgot)
What is it? 2 Yellow Flowers

A whole bed of something that appeared with the rain. Possibly a weed, but maybe an herb? (I decided it was a weed, and pulled most of them)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Aspirations and Inspirations

I started going to the local Unitarian Universalist church earlier this year, and found a really nice community. The large community garden, however, had fallen into disuse. So I've spent the last few months formulating a plan and creating compost. I am, by no means, a skilled gardener, so this is all a huge learning experience for me.

There are large patio stones that were left in a pile when the stones were replaced with a recycled wood patio (or so I am told by reliable sources). The sandy soil here is (apparently) awful for gardening, with lots of parasitic nematodes and burrowing critters of all sorts. Today I started to build the raised bed out of those patio stones. It may not do my stone mason heritage proud, but I am pleased with the progress.

First I laid down some old chicken wire, and then a weed cloth over top. I made sure the patio stones covered at least 2 inches of the wire and cloth and held it down well. I'd say the stones are about 2 inches thick, and I plan to stack them 5 high. This way, those of us with bad knees or backs can sit and help plant, weed, and harvest if we would like.

first layer of stones

Next, I plan to utilize Square Foot Gardening techniques. I will need to get seeds, peat moss, and coarse vermiculite. Planting will start soon, and following these guidelines. I plan to start from seeds directly in the bed, because I have no idea where I would store seedlings in the meantime.

There are many challenges ahead, which I will detail in later posts, but I am up for it.